Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chapter 24

Maharaja Suite, The Leela Palace

David tried to relax Khushi for the shot: Khushi, please relax. It’s not hard. Just be yourself.
Khushi mutters angrily under her breath: Easy for you to say. Woh Laad Governor tumko thohi naa ghoor raha hain? (That Laad Governor isn’t staring at you)
She throws a sulking glance at still staring ASR. David sees the opportunity and clicks her picture.
Then he thinks of something while Khushi and ASR are busy in their staring match and walks up to NK: NK, I need your help.
NK tears his mesmerized gaze away from Khushi and sighs: What?
David says: Khushi has a very expressive face. Talk to Khushi about different things that will bring out the expressions. Make it more natural and candid.
NK beams at the prospect of chatting up Khushi: Done.
He walks up to Khushi but stays behind the camera and starts talking about his favourite subject - movies. That distracts Khushi away from ASR and she starts responding with her own vast knowledge of filmy dialogues. David starts clicking a pouting, sulking, smiling, laughing, frowning, scowling, funny, cute, romantic, sexy Khushi as she starts performing dialogues from her favourite movies.
ASR scowls at NK for barging into the shoot but forgets to shout at him when he sees Khushi at her vibrant best.  For some reason, he can’t take his eyes from her.
Not only ASR, but the entire unit can’t keep their eyes from this vibrant bundle of joy who is as colourful as life…
David is overjoyed at the result. This was the best photoshoot of his career. When a model has so many emotions so dictinctively displayed on her face, it makes a photographer’s work much easier.

The shoot ends for Khushi. David thanks Khushi for being such wonderful model.
He gives his card to Khushi and says: If you ever want to be a model, give me a call.
ASR scowls at David and strides to Khushi: Don’t you have to be at the NIFT today, Ms. Gupta? Get going.
Khushi scowls back: No thanks. I have taken today off as I’m already late.
ASR scowls at her: Fine. Then go home.
He turns to NK: NK, let’s go. I’ll drop you at home before I go back to work.
NK chirps: Nannav, you don’t have to bother. Khushi is going to drop me home.
ASR gets surprised and shouts: What?
Khushi retorts: Are you turning deaf too? (Then slowly inunciates each word) He… said… that… I… am… going…
ASR shouts: Shut up. I heard what he said. But why the hell are you dropping him home?
Khushi (wide eyed): Why? Do I need your permission to drop a guy home, uncle?
ASR leans close to her face and growls: Don’t you dare call me uncle, Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta.
Khushi leans more and growls: Then don’t you dare ask me what I do after work, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada…
ASR growls: Fine.
Khushi growls back: Dandy…
NK intervenes slowly, careful of sparks flying between two equal opponents: Khushi, shall we go?
Khushi turns to NK and gives a sweet smile: Sure, NK. Let’s go.
She grabs NK’s hand and marches out of the suite.
ASR growls: Pack up
Then he storms out of the suite.

Devi Maiyya squeals: That’s why I love these two. It makes me remember my initial goddess days…
Nandi mutters: Yeah, we all know what you have done in those days.
Devi Maiyya (reminiscences): Sigh… those were the days. Kicking demon’s arses, going into different avatars with extensive wardrobes and accessories. These days the demons are too tame. No one wants to shake me up anymore. (Then giggles) Well, other than my husband… He shakes me up plenty… (snorts)…
Nandi puts his front hoofs on his ears: Na na na na na…. Don’t wanna hear those informations…
Devi Maiyya makes face: Of course not… Like every generation, you think you invented sex…

The other suite, Leela Palace:

Khushi changes back into her dress and come out with a bag.
She gives it to NK: NK, the saree and the earrings are in this bag. Could you please take it with you and give it to Mr. Raizada? I tried to call him, but my cell phone battery has died.
NK smiles: Ok. No problem.
Then Khushi smiles: Now let’s go shopping.

Parking Lot, ASR Designs:

Aakash stops his car and gets out. Payal smiles at him with a polite thanks and turns to go in.
Aakash stops Payal: Payal, I have noticed that suddenly you have become quiet on the way back. What is the matter? Is everything okay?
Payal gives him a wan smile: Nothing. I’m just tired.
Aakash gets worried: Are you feeling okay? If you are sick, you can go home. I will drop you. Why don’t you cancel your appointments and I’ll…
Payal interrupts: No no, Aakash. I’m fine. No need to worry. I will have my lunch and finish my work. If I need to leave early, I will let you know.
Aakash gives her a small smile: Okay. As you wish. Then I will go home. I’ll spend some time with NK.
Payal nods: Sounds good.
Aakash starts to leave but then turns back: Ummm… Payal, are we still on for the trip tomorrow?
Payal thinks for an excuse but can’t find any. So she nods: Okay.
Aakash smiles back: Okay then I’ll pick you up from your home.
Payal thinks of Khushi. She says: No. Pick me up from here.
Aakash is surprised: What? But tomorrow is Saturday.
Payal hastily replies: Yes, but I have to come here tomorrow anyway to sign some pending documents. So it will be better if we leave from here.
Aakash agrees reluctantly: Okay then. I will see you here. We’ll take my bike. You can leave your scooter here.
Payal nods: Okay. (Then smiles) See you tomorrow.
Payal walks into the cafeteria thinking: I’ll have to talk to Khushi tonight. If she has feelings for Aakash, then I’ll make some excuses to not go to the trip tomorrow.
She takes out her Blackberry and texts Khushi: Khushi, come home early tonight. I need to talk to you. It’s urgent. Love Jiji.

Nandi (sad): Oh, my Payal is such a wonderful sister. But sweetheart, sometimes you should think about yourself. (suddenly brightens up) But when she talks to Khushi, she will know that Khushi wants Aakash to be with Payal. Right?
Devi Maiyya sneers: I have been observing humans for years, my dear. Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of human brain…

Parking Lot, The Leela Palace:

Khushi brings Daisy to the front entrance and gets out: NK, meet Daisy. Daisy, meet my new friend, NK…
NK smiles: Very nice to meet you Daisy.
Khushi beams: Let’s load your stuff and go.
NK loads his suitcase and carry all on Daisy and then they leave for shopping.


Aakash arrives at Shaantivan and sees Mamiji and Naniji are sitting at the living room.
He asks Naniji: Dadi, where is NK bhai?
Naniji looks at Aakash surprisedly: NK? Why would he be here?
Aakash looks at them surprised: What? You mean he has not arrived yet?
Mamiji asks: Hello hi bye bye, Aakash. Has NK come to India?
Aakash nods: Yes. But I thought he would have come home by now.
Naniji smiles: May be he got distracted or went for sight seeing. It’s okay.
Aakash nods: No problem Dadi. I will go freshen up until he comes here.
Naniji smiles: Okay.

Front Entrance, Shaantivan:

Khushi parks her Daisy and NK and her gets out. Khushi looks at NK in surprise: This is your home?
NK nods: Actually, this is my masi’s home. I mean Aakash’s home. I’m here to stay for a while.
Khushi squeals in happiness and hugs him tight: I’m so happy. It’s perfect.
NK is happy at the hug and asks excitedly: Really? (then thoughtfully) Why?
Khushi piles the shopping bags on NK’s arms and drags him inside: I’ll tell you. Come with me.
NK and Khushi stumble into the living room with bunch of shopping bags.
Nani gets up hearing the commotion and sees Khushi. She smiles happily: Khushi bitiya?
Khushi squeals back: Naniji…
Then she skips to her and gives her a tight hug.
Naniji giggles at her enthusiasm: How are you bitiya?
Khushi smiles: I’m good.
Then she squeals: Hello Hi Bye Bye mamiji…
Mamiji stops her at her tracks: Okay okay.
NK comes to Khushi and asks: Khushi, you know my family?
Khushi smiles: Yep.
NK smiles: That’s great.
Mamiji gets upset at being ignored: Hello hi bye bye, NK bitwa. Greet your masi first.
NK smiles and hugs mamiji and then hugs Naniji.
Then he looks around: Is Aakash here?
Naniji smiles: He was. He just went to freshen up.
Khushi brightens up: What a great idea. NK, go freshen up.
NK (flabbergasted): Huh? Why?
Khushi pushes him: You have been in those clothes since you left Canada. You’ll start to stink in a minute. Go freshen up.
NK (confused): Okay. You wait here Khushi, I’ll go freshen up.
Khushi beams: I’m not going anywhere.
NK leaves with his luggage throwing confused looks at her.

Khushi then runs to Naniji and Mamiji: I have a proposal for you.
Naniji and mamiji’s eyes open wide: Huh? What proposal?
Khushi’s eyes brighten: Proposal for marriage.

Nandi (wide eyed): Huh? How could she? She is trying to steal my Payal’s Aakash? What kind of sister she is?
Devi Maiyya retorts: There are other men in that house than Aakash, you know? My Khushi does not need to steal anyone’s love.
Nandi (relieved): Oh, NK… Yep, she and Nk will make the perfect couple.
Devi Maiyya slaps her forehead…

Hindi Word Hints:
Nani – Maternal Grandmother (So Devyani Raizada is Arnav’s Nani as in mother’s mother)
Dadi – Paternal Grandmother (So Devyani Raizada is Aakash’s Dadi as in father’s mother)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 23

Maharaja Suite, The Leela Palace

ASR gets irritated by NK’s constant chatter. He picks up the phone to call Aakash.
Aakash’s phone rings right behind him.
He turns to see Aakash and Payal standing there.
He strides back to Aakash: Aakash, there is a problem in the office. What are you doing here?
Aakash gets surprised: Bhai, you arranged this impromptu photoshoot. I had to come to check the budget with you and get your signature.
ASR shakes his head irritatedly: Never mind. Just get back to office as soon as possible. The show stopper saree is missing. Maddy just called me and said he put the saree on the table to fix some glitches but he can’t find it now. I don’t know why I only get the idiots to work for me, but…
NK’s eyes widen in surprise. Aakash notices that and asks NK: NK bhai, did you pick the showstopper’s saree for mom by mistake?
NK stammers: I don’t know Aakash bhai. I asked Maddy. He said pick any saree. I picked a Red one from the table because that was the only bright coloured saree there. You know, masi loves bright colours.
ASR (angry): What? You could not have asked someone? Anyway, where’s the damn saree? Give it to Aakash. He will take it back to the office.
NK stammers some more: Ummm… I can’t do that. I gave it to someone already.
ASR, about to shout at NK for giving away his show stopper’s saree, feels a sudden breeze that ruffles his hair followed by a sudden hush among the chaos that was going on a few seconds ago.

ASR turns to see Khushi standing on the door of the suite in his showstopper’s blood red saree with a halterneck blouse looking like a naked flame.
Her open hair were flying away from her face by the wind coming from the door left open on the poolside where Arnav, Aakash, Payal and NK were standing.
Nightlife by Harry Winston chandelier earrings, provided by him for the shoot, was cascading down her ears, almost kissing her porceline shoulder.
Her big, bright eyes, highlighted by smoky kohl, are gleaming mysteriously while her almost rose tinted lips, in contrast, are looking as if never been touched by anything but a smile…
ASR could not take his eyes off her…

Nandi smiles in awe: Our girl is looking so pretty…
Devi Maiyya (raises her brow): Our girl? Excuse me?
Nandi ignores her totally and stretches his smile even bigger.

NK’s mouth hangs open and eyes glaze over: Wow… She is gorgeous…
Aakash smiles affectionately at Khushi and nods in agreement.
NK’s voice pulls ASR back from his trance and he scowls at NK and Aakash.
He strides to Khushi and shouts: What the hell are you wearing Khushi Kumari Gupta?
Khushi looks at ASR and raises her brow: Why? Do you need glasses? I’m wearing a saree.
ASR’s temper boils: No, I don’t need freaking glasses. But did you forget that this is a lingerie shoot?
Khushi (eyes wide, innocent face): Hawww… Really? It was? No one told me that before I came here. I thought it was an ASR Designs photoshoot.
ASR shouts: It is an ASR Designs photoshoot.
Khushi (pretending to be confused): Really? Then what is the problem?
ASR clenches his teeth: What the hell are you wearing?
Khushi (exasperated): Really have to work those brain cells now, Mr. Raizada. Now see, this (points finger at the floor) is an ASR Designs photoshoot, this (points at the saree) is an ASR Designs creations, this (points at her face) is the model for the shoot, capische?
ASR was about to retort when the photographer interrupts: ASR, I think she is looking gorgeous. She will look amazing in the picture.
ASR whirls in anger, but then Aakash interrupts: Yes, bhai. Khushi is looking gorgeous. From business standpoint, it’s a brilliant idea. We have been trying to break into Indian ethnic wear market. What better way to promote that than our next year calendar featuring our Indian line?
NK adds more oil to ASR’s already boiling fire: Yes, Nannav. I think Desi girl (Indian girl) is hot…
ASR, outvoted by everyone, bites out: Fine. Do whatever you please.
Then he strides to the corner of the room and takes out his phone to let Maddy know where the saree was finally found.
Khushi gave a big beaming smile at NK and Aakash.
NK smiled back at her and gave her thumbs up indicating best of luck.
Aakash also smiled and winked at her indicating everything is good.
Payal looked up at Aakash to show her gratitude for not making her sister do lingerie modeling, when she noticed Aakash’s smile and the wink.
She gets shocked as she has never seen Aakash winking at anybody. She looks at Khushi and her beaming smile at Aakash and thinks to herself: Do Khushi and Aakash like each other? (She thinks worriedy) I will have to find out. I don’t want to hurt my sister by stealing the man she loves. If they like each other, I will have to step back.
Aakash turns to Payal to see her worried expression: Payal? What is the matter? Is everything all right?
Payal tries to smile: I’m fine Aakash. Shall we get the signature and go? I remembered some work I have to do at the office.
Aakash (surprised): But what about lunch?
Payal smiles sadly: I will get a sandwich from the lunch room. Don’t worry.
Aakash (disappointed, but understanding): Okay. Let’s get Bhai’s sign on this and go.

Nandi splutters: What?
Devi Maiyya (sarcastically): That’s what happens when you and human being mingle too much. I told you to not be too friendly with Payal. Now her brain cells are being affected by yours.
Nandi (pouts): She likes me. She told me that I’m very understanding…
Devi Maiyya (sneers): Of course. But if she gets any more understandings from you, someone else will fly away with Aakash while she is standing, from under her nose… Get it?
Nandi scratches his head worriedly.

The photoshoot starts and David starts taking Khushi’s pictures.
ASR was staring at Khushi standing in the corner and brooding when Aakash and Payal walks up to him with the budget file.
Aakash: Bhai, we need your sign in this file.
ASR, without taking his eyes off Khushi, just grabs the file and signs.
Aakash notices ASR’s attention at Khushi and thinks to himself: Looks like Bhai met his match. I have to tell Nani.
Then he smiles at himself secretively and leaves with Payal.

David tries to pose Khushi when she suddenly feels someone’s gaze on her. She looks up to see ASR is standing in the corner, looking at her in a steady, pantherish gaze. She feels suddenly as if the temperature of the room has gone up.
Khushi thinks to herself: Dekho kaise ghoor rahe hain? Jaise ki humme kachha chaba jayega. Jaroor pichle janam mein koi khoonkhaar jaanwar tha…
(Look how he is staring? As if he will eat me raw. I’m sure he was a ferocious animal in previous life)…
Khushi tries to intimidate him by narrowing her eyes at him.
ASR’s eyebrow goes up at her pitiful attempt of intimidation. He stalks to where the photoshoot going on and sits on a couch right in front of where Khushi was getting her picture taken.
 Khushi fumes some more and thinks: Lo, yeh to aur bhi bura hua. Unhe yehi jagah mili thi baithne ko? Hamare hi muh ke saamne? Hey Devi Maiyya, hum hi kyun?
(This is even worse. There was only this place to sit? In front of my face? Hey devi Maiyya, why me?)…

Devi Maiyya (smugly): Baby, agar woh tumhare saamne nehin aayega to kahan jayega? Maine bhaagne ke liye jagah hi kahan choda hain?
(Baby, if he does not come to you then where would he go? I have hardly left him any place to run)
Nandi (worried): Lekin meri Payal ka kya hoga?
(But what will happen to my Payal?)
Devi Maiyya (irritated): Nothing.
Nandi (shocked): What? Oh no… (starts crying fat tears) Oh my Payal baby, I’m so sorry…
Devi Maiyya (exasperated): Off ho… Nothing means, nothing bad will happen. Stop reading too much into my cryptic messages…
Nandi stops crying and sniffs into a piece of cloud while discreetly posting in his heavenly blog…

Spoiler: For all the tensed soul out there, don’t worry. My most trusted source confirmed, nothing bad will happen to Payal. So relax and take deep breathes.

Please do not copy my spoilers to any other heavenly or hellish blogs. This is my spoiler and I retain all rights to it. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chapter 22

WARNING: Double Innuendos. Please skip until the Blue SAFE ZONE if under 18.

The Other Suite, Leela Palace:

Arnav leans back: Fine. So be it. Also, make sure you leave a Rs. 5,000,000 cheque on my desk tomorrow as compensation for sabotaging my calendar shoot.
Khushi fumes: I did not ruin your photoshoot. You did. I was handling her just fine.
Arnav raises his brow: Oh really? It seemed to me Cat was on the verge of eating you alive.
Khushi (sarcastically): Not really. She was more interested in eating you alive and not even burp after her meal.
Arnav smirks: Don’t tell me you are feeling jealous.
Khushi lets out a quite unladylike snort: Yeah right… The day I buy a well-used product like you, that would be the day I will put on that lingerie.
Arnav retorts back: Not well-used Ms. Gupta… Well-trained and experienced… There is a difference.
Khushi, not willing to back down, retorts back: Well, you can take your training and experience and shove it.
Arnav smirks with a wicked smile: I’d be happy to do it. Just tell me when and where.
Khushi buffled as she does not quite get it: Eh?

Devi Maiyya (Jumping in glee): I got it, I got it… (Giggles and snickers)
Nandi (exasperated): At least maintain some decoram. You are God for heaven’s sake. You should think Holy thoughts.
Devi Maiyya (Eyes lit up): What an amazing idea…
She plucks out a feather from a passing duck, making it squeak indignantly and fly away. Then she zaps Nandi’s glass of milk and turns it into ink. Nandi squeaks and glares at her. Devi Maiyya ignores his angry looks.
She takes out her golden scroll, dips the feather on Nandi’s glass of ink (previously milk) and painstakingly writes on it with her tongue caught between her teeth on one side of her mouth: Holi, lingerie, Khushi, Well-trained and experienced Arnav….
Nandi shouts: Stop stop… What are you writing?
Devi Maiyya squeals happily: Your idea for Holi… You asked me to think Holi thoughts. After all, Holi mein sab chalta hain… (Everything goes in Holi)
Nandi: Of ho… Indianwali Holi nehin, Englishwali Holy… Hey bhagwan…
(Of ho… Not Indian Holi, English Holy… Oh God)…
Devi Maiyya busy finishing her writing looks up distractedly: Eh?
Nandi smacks his forehead.


Payal’s Office, ASR Designs:

Aakash knocks on the door.
Payal calls from inside: Come in.
Aakash goes in and smiles: Hi Payal.
Payal looks up from the file she was reading and smiles: Hi Aakash.
Aakash: Payal, Bhai has suddenly arranged for our calendar photoshoot. I need to go on the set to get the budget approval signed by Bhai. Do you have any urgent appointment today?
Payal checks her calendar: Nope. I have most of the afternoon free.
Aakash smiles: That’s great. Why don’t you come with me then? We can go to the set and check the budget together, then we can go out for lunch.
Payal blushes: That sounds good.
Aakash (thrilled): Awesome. Then I will book a table for lunch at The Qube since we are going to the Leela Palace anyway.
Payal smiles: Sounds good.
Aakash was about to leave but he turns back: Oh and Payal, I will introduce you to my cousin, NK. He just came today from Canada. He is a very unique character. You will like him.
Payal smiles: I’m sure I will.
Aakash smiles and leaves her office.
Payal leans back on the chair and thinks: Does he feel what I feel? Or why would he introduce me to his cousin? (she chuckles and blushes at her thoughts) Stop making mountain out of a molehill. Let’s see what happens…

Aakash’s Office, ASR Designs:

Aakash is sitting in his chair and thinking the same thing Payal was thinking: Does she feel what I feel? Why would she agree to meet NK? He has nothing to do with her work. Should I ask her what she thinks about me? (he smiles shyly to himself) Look at me. I’m behaving like a school boy at the threos of his first love. But I am in love. I know it now. But does she feel the same?

Nandi (wiping his tears): So sweet. Yes, yes, yes Aakash… She is in love with you and you are in love with her. What a pair… I can just see their future like a movie. Aakash, Payal and their two children frolicking while they kiss.
Devi Maiyya (snorts at Nandi’s tears): Well yeah… Who made this pair? I am great if I say so myself. Not that I need to, considering how many people mention “God is Great” on their vehicles.
Nandi (mutters): And so humble and down to earth…
Nandi picks up his haypop (Lollypop made with hay) and opens his mouth to chew…
Devi Maiyya hears that so she zaps the haypop making it a beef jerky…
Nandi screams in fright: Eeekkkk
He whirls and glares at Devi Maiyya’s innocent face busy sucking her pepsi…

The Other Suite, Leela Palace:

The models get ready and they get out from the room one by one.
ASR taps his watch: You have 15 minutes to be ready or prepare to face the consequences.
ASR leaves the room for the Maharaja suite where the shots will be taken.
Khushi fumes behind his back. She throws the bag of lingerie on the floor and storms out of the empty suite towards the elevator.
She hits the button and waits for the elevator to arrive. The elevator door opens and a man rushes out of it and bumps on her. Khushi’s bun comes lose and her hair spills on her back whereas she falls with the man on the carpeted corridor in front of the elevator in an awkward tangle of arms and legs.
NK looks on his side the girl he fell with and was about to say sorry but his tongue gets tied at the delicate rose and cream beauty of the girl. Her long hair cascading on her back in waves, her big bambi eyes flashing in anger and glistening with unshed tears. Her rose petal lips still trembling in indignation.
NK becomes mesmerized.
Khushi untangles herself and gets up to see that the elevator has already left.
She stomps her foot in frustration and swips at the tears now trembling on her lashes.
NK gets up and says: Hi…
Khushi looks at him but then turns her back ignoring him. She hits the elevator button forcefully.
NK winces at her anger. But plows along: Hi, I’m NandKishore Sharma aka NK.
Khushi turns to him hearing her beloved Buaji’s favourite catchphrase and covers her face with her small hands and starts crying.
NK gets confused and scared. He tries to stop her crying: Hey hey… I know my name is a little weird. Trust me, I cried more tears than you over this name. In fact, that’s why I go by NK now so that I don’t scare people with my full name. No need to cry. (He pats his pocket and finds a stick of gum) Hear, take this.
Khushi sees the stick of gum and whimpers.
NK (worried, pats his pockets again and finds a chocolate bar): No? Then how about this?
Khushi sees the mangled chocolate in his hands and tentatively takes it with a tiny smile.
NK gets relieved and makes her sit on the floor of the corridor: Wanna talk about it?
Khushi tells him her story between whimpers, sniffles and frequent bites of the chocolate. By the time the chocolate finishes, her story ends too.
Khushi wipes her tears: I just don’t know what to do. Woh Laad Governor to hamare piche haath dhoke pade hain… (That Laad Governor is after me for revenge)
NK controls his snigger at another unique name for Nannav.
He thinks for a moment: So what he really wants you to do is take part in the photoshoot as showstopper wearing ASR Designs clothes, am I right?
Khushi nods vigorously.
NK’s eyes lit up: Idea.
Khushi’s eyes lit up too: What?
NK tells her: Wait a minute here.
He grabs his carry bag and pulls out a plastic bag from it: Here you go.
Khushi looks at the bag and looks up at NK in confusion: What is it?
NK tells her: He told you to wear ASR Designs chothes for the photoshoot right? This is ASR Designs clothes. Wear it and go for the shoot.
Khushi opens the bag and sees a simple but extremely elegant saree with halterneck embroidered blouse and silk petticoat.

The saree:

She looks at NK with wide eyes and asks: Hawwww… Where did you get this from?
NK smiles: Actually, I’m Aakash Singh Raizada’s cousin. He is COO of ASR Designs. I forgot to buy my masi (mother’s sister), Aakash’s mom any gift. So I picked up this saree to give it to her instead.
Khushi smiles hearing Aakash’s name: I know Aakash. He is a great guy. (then she gets worried) But are you sure your masiji won’t mind?
NK (cheerfully): Nope. She does not even know I’m coming and she is certainly is not expecting anything.
Khushi (happily): Okay then. I will wear this saree. But I have one condition. Since you are giving me this saree to wear, you have to come with me after the photoshoot and I will buy you a saree to take as a gift to your masi.
NK (excited at the prospect of spending more time with Khushi): Agreed.

Khushi then hurries to the other suite pointing the Maharaja suite to NK.
NK flashes her thumbs up sign and walks in the Maharaja Suite with a flamboyant: Nannav, mere bhai (my brother)… Where are you?

The other suite:

When Khushi re-enters the suite she sees a model sulking. As she sees Khushi, she stalks to her: Where the hell were you? I’m not your maid, understand? (She grabs Khushi’s hand and slams a jewellery box on her hand) ASR has asked you to wear this with your outfit and come out in 5 minutes.
Then she flounces out of the room with her lingerie gear…
Khushi opens the jewellery box to find a pair of earrings.


She smiles happily as these earrings will also go with the saree. She starts to get ready.

The Maharaja Suite:

NK enters to find chaos everywhere and Arnav is standing by the rooftop pool and shouting at someone over the phone.
ASR is screaming on the phone: What do you mean that you can’t find it? That’s the freaking showstopper’s saree and you can’t find it?
NK shakes his head at the plight of some poor innocent soul.
ASR hangs up the phone in temper: I have hired freaking idiots. I should just fire the lot.
NK goes to ASR with open arms in his signature style: Nannav, mere bhai (My brother)… Do not fear when NK is here… I will fix everything for you…
ASR hears NK’s voice and his eyes widen. He turns to see NK smiling huge at him and coming to him with open arms.
ASR puts his hand on NK’s chest to stop him from hugging him: NK, when did you come here and why didn’t you call me before you landed?
(He thinks in his head: So that I could go out of town for the duration of your stay)
NK pushes to complete the hug, but unable to do so because of ASR’s hand on his chest: Nannav, if I had told you before, then how would I see the surprise on your face?
ASR (still holding him back with his palm): Next time let me know before you arrive and don’t call me Nannav.
NK gives up and moves back: Fine. (Brightens up) But now that I’m here, let’s get the party started…
ASR grimaces…

Aakash’s car, on the way to The Leela Palace:

Aakash and Payal go into Aakash’s car and drives to The Leela Palace. They keep taking glances at each other occasionally and both thinking how to ask the other what he/she feels…

Aakash (thinking): Should I ask her if she likes me? But what if she thinks her boss is harassing her? Why does not she ask me if I am in a relationship or not?
Payal (thinking): Is he in a relationship? After all, he is very handsome, smart, charming and successful. How can he be single? But if I ask and he thinks I’m being over eager?  Why does not he ask me if I’m in a relationship?
Aakash (thinking): Is she in a relationship? She is pretty, smart, sweet… What guy won’t want her. But how do I ask?

Devi Maiyya: Off ho… Useless people… Ask about hobbies, you morons…

Aakash clears his throat: Ehm, Payal…
Payal looks at him shyly: Yes?
Aakash: The weather is so nice today, isn’t it?

Nandi smacks his forehead…

Aakash also mentally smacks his forehead and thinks: Dude, you could not find something more original?
Payal blushes: Yes. I don’t mind Sunny days when I’m working indoors. But my favourite is cloudy days. They are very good for taking photographs.

Devi Maiyya: I swear if you don’t use this opportunity, I’ll make you give away Payal at her wedding…

Aakash grabs the opening with both hands: You like photography? What kind of picture do you like to take?
Payal (shyly): I’m not professional or anything. It’s just a hobby. I take picture of everything, but I love to take photography of nature. I find nature a fascinating subject as it always keeps changing.
Aakash (surprised and happy): Really? Wow… Another thing we have in common. I love nature too. I sometimes take my bike and go for hiking or camping in the middle of nowhere. It gives me a sense of freedom from the concrete jungle.
Payal (surprised): Wow… I do the same thing. I take my tomato and my camera and just go to different woods, valleys, mountains etc. to take pictures.
Aakash (delighted): Oh wow… Another thing we have in common, eh?
Payal (delighted): Yes.
Aakash (tentatively): Umm… Payal, I was wondering, if you’d like to come with me next time I go on a trip like that... You can bring your camera and take pictures. (Seeing Payal looking at him, hurriedly corrects) I mean you don’t have to if you’d rather not. After all, we have just met and you don’t know me that well. But I was wondering…
Payal (interrupts softly with a sweet smile): I’d love to come with you.
Aakash (still continueing): I mean you can bring your own tent and supply… (Realizes what she said, smiles big) You would? That’s awesome. I mean great…
Payal blushes and smiles.
Aakash (thoughts): Wow… we have a date. I mean I know we are going camping, but sorta like a date…
Payal (thoughts): Wow… we have a date. I mean I know we are going camping, but sorta like a date…

Devi Maiyya (smug at a job well done): Even their thoughts are same now… (pats herself on her back)…
Nandi, still smarting at the beef jerky trick, ignoring her.

Maharaja Suite, The Leela Palace:

ASR (irritated): Listen NK, I’m working here. So why don’t you go home, I’ll meet you there.
NK (Smiling big): No Nannav, Aakash has told me to wait here for him. He is gonna take me home.
ASR (mutters): I will kill you for saddling me with NK, Aakash… (Loudly) Then just sit on that couch and don’t talk. I am already tensed, so don’t disturb me.
NK (Worried): What happened Nannav? (nudges him) Come on, you can tell me. I’ll fix it…
ASR (sarcastically): No thanks. I will handle everything myself. I don’t want any more trouble than I already have…

Devi Maiyya (sheepish): Oops too late… Here comes trouble…

And… Khushi walks in…

PRECAP: ASR’s temperature rises…