Saturday, September 28, 2013


Hello friends,

I'm finally geared up to finish Pride and Love. Hopefully, I will be able to do so by end of this year. 

Those of you who don't know, I'm getting married (Again) on February 14, 2014 (to the same guy I married in 2012). Don't worry, my husband proposed to me again this year on the same day at the same place he proposed the very first time, even though we are already married. This is my big fat Indian wedding (Finally!!!) after my little Canadian wedding and that's why I'm super busy planning it from here in Calgary. 

I'm also moving to Toronto after I come back from my wedding. So packing/selling the house and wedding/vacation/trip planning are all going at the same time. 

Please have patience with me as I'm juggling a bunch of stuff and I have only one month to complete everything (leaving for India on November 1). 



  1. wow...congratulations for ur new begining in ur life........i have been stalking this blog every month....thanks for the update....and best wishes....

  2. Hey I just read this note ...dont know how i missed it...Congratulations on ur 2nd wedding to the same husband :)
    I hope everything is going on gud at ur end... i was just missing this story so came to check if u r back!
    anyways i think i'll wait until march to read further...congratulations once again :)

  3. Hi Tia.... congrats on your 2nd wedding ceremony (so IPKKND-ish - ''day-dreaming").

    When's the next update? Sorry am so impatient!!!!!

  4. Wow... I am surprised to see that people still want to read this story. OK. Got the message. I will update new chapter soon. Cheers... :)

  5. Hi Tia. Have you updated th enext chapter in this story. If you have please do provide th elink , have been searching from past one year but not got it.

  6. Sorry about that. It is taking longer than I expected because I was so busy. I have finally moved to Toronto and getting my life in order. I will try to post something soon. Thanks for the kind comments.
