Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 20

This chapter is dedicated to Punkin22 (Frances) for increasing my readership. The email she sent me is below. Thanks darling.

Hi Tia,  Well our lunch went wonderfully and I brought my ipad so could read Pride and Love and we laughed so much people began to stare, but you know how girls are once we start laughing then we move into ridiculous mode.
They simply adored your story and your beautifully writing style.  They all have your blog link but we have made a promise to get together every month for continuing Tia's writing and IPK.  I also brought my ipad so they could tell you in person their comments.
  1. Hi Tia, thank you for allowing Frances to share you writing.  Loved it, full of laughter. Judy
  2. Hi Tia, I have not laughed so much in months.  Wonderful story.  Pam
  3. Hi Tia, Wow, Devi Maiyya was the best.  Shelby
  4. Hi Tia, you are so creative, you must continue soon, I can't wait to see what happens. Sally
  5. Hi Tia, I have never heard of Khushi and Arnav but I may have to join Frances in her obsession with this cute Indian Soap.  Loved your story.  Thanks Melissa.
  6. Hey Tia, Frances read your story.  Fabulously funny then show us pictures of ASR and Khushi and a few scenes.  OK, NOW we understand her going nuts for IPK.  Thanks sweetie, Kathy

Parking lot, ASR Designs:
Aakash tries very hard to control his laughter but when ASR storms towards the office, he breaks out in laughter.
Bahadur hurriedly starts to take down the signboard. Aakash manages to control his mirth and tells Bahadur to wait for a few minutes.
He takes the picture of ASR’s car with the signboard and then signals to Bahadur to carry on with his work.
Then he tweets the picture to his tweeter account.

Aakash Singh Raizada @BlueSky My morning doze of laughter…

Then he notices that he has two new followers - Iknowitalmighty & imtheholycow…
 He finds their profile pics hilarious so he approves them and decides to follow back.

DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow Aakash bitwa is following me. :) 
NC @imtheholycow @Iknowitalmighty He is following me too. Told you it was a great idea.
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow I don't like know-it-all animals... The only know-it-all is me around here... 
NC @imtheholycow @Iknowitalmighty I know more about these things. You want more devotees, then make people follow you on Twitter.
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow People follow unknown strangers here? What is the world coming to? #deep thoughts 
NC @imtheholycow @Iknowitalmighty Well, this is digital age. There is this lady, who does nothing, but has some million followers. #amazing
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow Is she some Goddess? Hold on, it can’t be. I’m the only one around here. Rest of them are me in different looks. Who is she? 
NC @imtheholycow @Iknowitalmighty She is not some Goddess. She does reality shows.
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow Reality shows? What’s that? I thought I made reality… What kind of reality does she make? # job in jeopardy 
NC @imtheholycow @Iknowitalmighty Here, check out this link. It will give you a pretty good idea of reality shows. #seriously
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow Just checked the link in mytube. It is as far from reality as your intellect is from mine. # pfffttt
DM @Iknowitalmighty @imtheholycow And just in case you are wondering, it’s measured in lightyears. # Zingar...

Nandi thinks to himself: That’s why I hate working with Lady Bosses. Seems like she is having that time of the month. Better lay low and inform her husband to keep his distance for a few days.

ASR’s Office, ASR Designs:
ASR picks up the phone and calls the peon to clear out his desk.
While the peon was busy at his task, ASR formulates a plan to teach Khushi a lesson.
He picks up the phone and calls Aman: Aman, I want you to arrange a photoshoot with the snobbiest, bitchiest and nastiest models in the country. Get Khushi to assist them in preparing for photoshoot.
Aman tentatively asks: Ummm… sir, when do you want the photoshoot to happen?
ASR flashes his evil smile that would have made the devil proud: Today.
Aman stammers: But…
ASR growls angrily: I don’t pay you to say but. I pay you to do the work. Get on it.
He slams the phone down.
Aman puts the phone down and sends a quick prayer for Khushi and starts making calls for the shoot.

Khushi’s Office, ASR Designs:

Khushi was busy texting the success of their plan to the gang when her phone rings.

She picks up the phone and chirps: Good morning, Khushi Kumari Gupta speaking. How may I help you?

ASR snarls sarcastically: You can help me by toning down your perky, pompom shaking attitude Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Khushi makes faces at the phone: Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir…

ASR: Shut up, Khushi.

Khushi goes on silent mode…

ASR: Your today’s task is to assist models in photoshoot. Contact Aman for the address and get there in 10 minutes. And make sure nothing goes wrong. If I see any disaster happening like it usually does around you, I will make you pay for it. Understood?

Khushi busy filing her nails in silence.

ASR growls: Understood?

Khushi totally ignores him.

ASR screams: Speak dammit.

Khushi replies sarcastically: You told me 1 min ago to shut up. Now I have shut up, but still you are bursting my eardrums with your screaming tantrums. Me thinks someone is losing memory in his advanced age. Shall I get some Brahmi saag for you to chew on?

(Hint: Brahmi Saag is leafy green vegetable, very commonly found in India, known to be extremely effective in curing memory loss and central nervous system.)

ASR growls: Shut up and get to work.

He slams the phone down.

Khushi beams to herself: Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, yeh to kuch bhi nehin. Aage aage dekhiye hota hain kya… (She winks at her reflection in the mirror of her window).

(Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, this is nothing... Just wait and watch to see what else happens to you)...

Aman calls Khushi and gives her address to the photoshoot. Khushi sighs and texts her gang to let them know that she is going to be out of office today and will see them at NIFT later that day.

Maze called her back: Khush, are you sure it’s not a trap?

Khushi chirps while getting into Daisy: Don’t worry Maze. It’s just a photoshoot. Besides, it’s good that I’m going out. At least I won’t have to see that Laad Governor’s face the rest of the day.

Maze, still worried: Okay. I will see you at NIFT. Call me if you need me okay?

Khushi smiles: No problem Maze. Love you.

Maze smiles: Love you too, Khush.

Nandy: Poor girl, she does not know what she is getting into. That’s why I say, never mess with ASR. He is the best. (Sighs dreamily)…

DM narrows her eyes: We will see who has the last laugh…

Nandy (Mutters): Don’t know why she is after ASR… He is the hottest thing ever… Obviously those man-hating PMS hormones…

Aakash’s Office, ASR Designs:

Aakash and Payal were discussing the financial report.

Payal notices that Aakash is smiling every once in a while and was typing something on his blackberry.

Payal asks: What happened Aakash? You seem in a very good mood today.

Aakash smiles: Yes. Actually, you know this girl Khushi? She is a bomb. You know what she did today?

Then he narrates the story and starts laughing: I tweeted that picture and I'm getting awesome response for that picture... Khushi is awesome...

But Payal gets worried and thinks to herself: Oh God, I hope Khushi does not get into trouble and get kicked out of the office. Why can’t she just lay low? And who this girl targets to pull her pranks? No one but the Arnav Singh Raizada, the terror of the fashion industry. What do I do with this girl now? (Payal starts biting her nails in worry).

Aakash notices Payal’s worried face. He waves his hand in front of her eyes: Hello, Payal? Are you here? What are you thinking?

Payal just shakes her head and gets back to work but continues to worry.

Nandy, the cow: Poor Payal… So worried for her little sister… I feel bad for her. I kinda like her calm and quite nature. She is very much like me, you know? That’s why I am following her in twitter. Her id is Tinklinganklet… I told her that we are quite similar in nature and will get along really well. (He smiles big showing all his teeth)

DM looks at him disdainfully: Wow, what a unique way to insult someone. Payal is like a cow… I’m sure she was dying to hear that. (She beams to herself) My favourite is Khushi. She is like me, feisty, spunky and fearless… I have added her in twitter. Her id is happinessunlimited. I told her that it’s quite fitting for the Lioness of Heaven to be associated with the Lioness of Earth…

Nandy mutters: Of course… If you don’t love disaster and chaos, then who will?

DM narrows her eyes: What did you say?

Nandy beams big holding up the Gold Bowl filled with fruits: Nothing... More fruits?

DM (still looking suspicious): Hand me some grapes…

Aakash’s Office, ASR Designs:

Aakash was trying to call ASR since morning. But when he could not reach him, he calls Aman.
Aakash: Aman? Hi. Do you know where Bhai is today?
Aman (Mutters): Yes, the hungry Lion is out hunting for Bambi.
Aakash: What?
Aman (Loudly): I mean, sir is in a photoshoot.
Aakash (Surprised): Photoshoot? Today? Why did not you tell me before?
Aman (Mutters again): I would have if I knew about it.
Aakash: What? Why are you mumbling? Anyways, I will get there shortly before lunch. And…
Suddenly Aakash hears a knock on the door.
Aakash: (Thinks to himself) Strange, I was not expecting anyone right now. (Loudly on the phone) Umm, Aman. I will call you back later.
Aakash hangs up the phone and calls out: Come in.
The door opens and he sees his cousin, NandKishore Sharma a.k.a NK was standing there.


NK beams at Aakash: Aakash, mere bhai... (Aakash, my brother) NK is here…

DM jumps in the air with her grapes flying everywhere: Yippie… Nk is here… (She giggles and claps in joy)…
Nandy (confused): Who is NK?
DM (gives him her devilish smirk, strangely resembling ASR): Wait until next update…
Nandy (mutters): Should have kept my mouth shut. Now my source of spoiler is gone. What will I tell my followers in Twitter now?

1 comment:

  1. Hahhahahah!

    This is hilarious! Tia, u r brilliant!

    Their twitter accounts were too good, the banter between Nandi and DM is too funny. And poor Aman! Always stuck. I had almost forgotten that Akaash still thinks Khushi is Lavanya's sister.

    And Khushi ASR conversation! It was too cute.
    Thank you!

    JerryTheMouse- IF
